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Time is always up for something, why waste it?

Spend your time wisely on social networks. With Social Media being one of the biggest time killers nowadays, its best to spend that time to your benefit. Social networks can teach you many things if used wisely. Facebook, Linked in etc. Many educative posts are posted that can really change someones life if used wisely. Often time we go on social media to pass time which ends up really just wasting time. If you optimize your search queries and make time spent on social media more educational in just a few months you can have new set of skills that will benefit your life and your career.

Simple steps can help you develop a habit of Learning and optimizing time on social media.

1. Plan your activities.

Plan the actual time you want to spend on social media. You don't need to stay two hours just scrolling up pictures on Facebook or your contacts on whatsapp. If there is nothing important there leave it and switch to something else.

2. Read Educational Articles.

Education can fall into several categories, can be environmental, Health, Sports, Science etc. Don’t spend too much time reading Gossip on social media. You don't learn anything. Memes really take up your time, gives you a good laugh but you don’t learn anything.

3. Cure your Curiosity

The World Wide Web offers many free resources available for reading or downloading, you will find articles, books, etc. Take the time you spend on social media to answer most of the questions you don’t understand.

4. Have your Own Opinion

Everyone can post anything on social media. Dont be a blank slate where people can fill in anything they want. Have your opinion on matters. Well phrased English you will read does not make stories factual. Its okay to disagree even with the most writers you respect.

5. Learn Slowly.

Rome was not built in a day, so are habits, or talents. You perfect them with time and practice. If its writing you like, you will not automatically become the best. If its attention you want, it does not come automatically. Take time, learn slowly, really really think of what you want to post before you do.

Use the internet to benefit from it, not just pass time.

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