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Cheers to that Nurse in Uniform

Cheers to that Nurse in Scrubs

Cheers to that Nurse making policies

Cheers to that Nurse Keeping order in the proffession

Cheers to the unity in the diversity of their duties

Different colors don’t separate them from working in Harmony

Cheers to the strong heart of nurses all over the world.

Cheers to the things we do the world will never know let alone understand

Here is time to celebrate

Here is time to Replicate

Here is time to close your eyes and feel loved

As you dance to the tunes of patient care.

As you amaze yourself with the patience you have with demented patient

Or the courage you show when talking to that psychiatric patient

As you understand and console that family of their loss

Forget you are underpaid

Remember you are the only Angels on Earth Mankind has ever seen.

Happy Nurses Day.

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